Welcome to the Master Class!

Turn Your Idea Into A Business

Define your idea

Describe your idea in detail for your product or service

Target Market

Who will you sell to? Identify your target market

Develop it!

Develop your product or service

Courses and Resources

Start your business with a strong foundation


Turn Your Idea Into a Business

Idea-to-Market Program


Entrepreneurial Pitch Preparation and Outline

Use this Table to start filling in what information you need to include in your slide deck. This outline will help you get started.

Table 1 below has an outline of the suggested topics to be included with each slide. Table 2 has the same outline but is blank. You can use table 2 to fill in your own information. After you complete Table 2, you can create your own slide deck with your company logo and information.


Business Requirements Template

Business Requirements


Entrepreneur Workbook

The Entrepreneur Workbook was developed to help you organize all the sessions from the class into a single workbook.

Mahdi Chambers — Founder & President

For serious entrepreneurs that are determined to start, expand and build their businesses.

The course provides a 9-step, easy to follow program that takes you from the early stages of your idea to beta testing with customers.

It is critical to Trust The Process and follow the steps as outlined. Doing so will transform you from where you are to where you want to be!


What Our Clients Have to Say

I have had the great opportunity to work with Mahdi Chambers of Jecha Networks. We first met when my startup was at the idea stage and he helped take my company from idea to launch. Working with him was not like working with consultants that I have worked with in the past. Jecha Networks doesn't give you the feeling that they're working for you but, it is like a partnership. Coming out of every engagement, we had a plan for each week and I could see results and progress every day. An important part about our engagement is that Mahdi assisted me with pitching my business to investors. I ended up acquiring two investors during that time. Since then, I have continued to work with the team at Jecha Networks and I look forward to them propelling my business to greater heights. I trust their systems and insights on how to grow a real business which is very hard to come by in the business world.
City Start Up Labs Pitch Competition 2018 @ UNCC 3-29-18 by Jon Strayhorn
Adrian Marable
Founder, CEO GroopWork, LLC
This class was amazing, step by step, it has helped me to develop my business. It has taught me the importance of system implementation and thinking through exactly how I want my business to operate and the systems/people I need to have in place in order for it to operate efficiently. Absolutely! I would recommend this course. If an individual is serious about developing their business and working through the steps to do so, this is the course to take.
Tequia Williams
CEO/Founder, Pruning Dubiety, LLC
I greatly appreciated the experience of City Startup Labs (CSL), especially what I was able to learn in our last module, led by Mahdi Chambers, President of Jecha Networks, Inc. A large part of that was from Mahdi Chambers and his excellent way of articulating what was needed for us to push forward. This module really challenged me to dig deep and set a complete plan for product/software development then hold myself accountable with deadlines. Before this module, we had somewhat of a plan but it was all over the place. The 3 venture hacks and forms given to me during the last module allowed us to really focus on the importance of coming out with a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) model. I am looking forward to staying in touch with Mahdi in the future as we continue to grow & iterate. Winner: 2018 City Startup Labs Pitch Competiton: $10,000
Desmond Wiggan
Co-Founder, BatteryXchange, LLC
This was a great class that definitely expanded my business knowledge and has given me a real opportunity to be successful. It was extremely comprehensive and has given me the most realistic expectations of what it's like to be in business and what I need to be successful. I would definitely recommend this course to others because not only did we have the opportunity to get true direction on how to start and grow our business, but we also got the opportunity to get advice from an accomplished and experienced leader as well as each other. I really enjoyed being able to interact with the group and pull ideas and resources from one another. This was truly a blessing to me. I feel like I am a lot more equipped to take this entrepreneur journey than I was before and my dreams seem a lot more within my reach.
Jalisa Miller
Founder & CEO, Hygienicore, LLC